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Comcast’s Multiple-Dwelling Unit sales channel, XFINITY Communities, launched two new services:


  1. The Advanced Communities Network: 1-Gig Speeds for apartment buildings and condominium properties.

  2. XFINITY On Campus: Streaming TV service for students who live on campus.


Prior to offering the service and benefits to end users, Comcast had to target a B-to-B audience first (property owners and university administrators) to establish service at the apartment/condo and university properties.   


In advance of account executive outreach, generate strong awareness among the B-to-B decision markers.



  • In addition to advertising and direct marketing, a Social Media campaign was developed that reached out to targeted builder and university administrator groups on LinkedIn with a dedicated InMail message and companion banner ad.

  • A strong subject line was developed to influence high open rates, and the personal email format encouraged readers to click through to the respective websites for more information.

  • The results were extraordinary with open rates of 26% for XFINITY Communities and 41% for XFINITY On Campus.

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